Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wiki Tool - Quibblo (Survey, Poll, and Quiz Website)

The Wiki tool that I chose to use was Quibblo (http://www.quibblo.com/).  Quibblo is a site where you can create surveys, polls, or quizzes - perfect for use in the classroom! The quizzes/surveys/polls can be shared with friends, and can also be posted to social networking sites such as Facebook, My Space, blog sites, etc.

When I saw Quibblo's description on our Wiki tools list, I immediately chose it because my Applied Econ class is in the process of getting ready to do a school-wide survey, and this is the perfect website to use for it!  We are working with Junior Achievement, and our class needs to come up with a product to sell to the students, but one that will actually SELL WELL -- and be profitable.  I have a VERY indecisive class, and they were split on which product to sell, so we decided we should do a little bit of 'market research' and survey the students in our school to see what their top choice of product would be.  It would be a short, simple survey, but this website is perfect to fit our needs!  Here is the survey that we would use:  http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/eoysnRo/Which-product-would-you-buy 

We would make an announcement over the loudspeaker to have students vote during the day by going to the survey site, which we would link to our school's home page for easy access.

I found Quibblo to be VERY user friendly!!  All you have to do is create a quick profile with name, email, and age -- there is no membership fee to use it.  I'd highly recommend it for polls and surveys!  (I didn't try out the Quiz feature)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Much better week!

I got a lot done on my curriculum unit this week - finally got Prezi to work (so-so anyway ... I didn't think it was a very user-friendly program though!!) -- and I also got almost the rest of my Curriculum Unit done!  Woo hoo!  I had intended on getting a head start on the next 2 weeks of assignments in case I go into labor (which is anyday now) - but got caught up shopping for and returning baby items this weekend, and then spent 3 hours grading papers as we have P/T conferences for 3 hours tomorrow night.  So, hopefully after tomorrow night then I can get the next 2 weeks of assignments done for this class!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bogged down with School & Life!

This has been a busy week for me and next week is going to be even busier!  I've got 2 big fundraisers going on for my FBLA club, plus I am taking lamaze and parenting classes, and I also have my appraisal/observation tomorrow.  I've been trying to get my Prezi presentation to cooperate, but it's not working the way I want it to at all.  I am going to just stop for the night and work on it tomorrow, as my brain & body are both fried!  I know I will be turning it in a day late, but I need to stop in order to keep my sanity at this point!  Hopefully tomorrow I will have better luck ...!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Another helpful website from Edu 553: Assign-A-Day Calendar

Assign-a-Day Calendar is a website that I am going to share with my long-term sub while I am on maternity leave in March - I use a calendar for my students to download assignments off of (especially in my Computer Applications & Keyboarding classes) -- and I've been wondering how the sub will be able to do this, as she doesn't have access to our web publishing software that we use for our calendars!  So this will be a great way for her to put links and assignments up for my students!  I'm glad I found this when I did! 

Helpful website from Edu 553 - Solution Watch: Back to School with the Web

One of the websites I found that will be useful in the future is Solution Watch - Back to School with the Web.  This website offered a wide array of websites with various tools & resources (not necessarily subject specific). These tools range from organizers, gradebooks, note taking, resume building, even tools for club sponsors (which I am)!  This is definitely a website I have bookmarked to look over in further detail this summer (when I have more time) and familiarize myself with more of these web tools - but I really like the ones I've seen so far!